Dr. Bynum Sponsors 4th Annual Galloway Captiva Tri

Dr. Bynum is a sponsor for the 4th Annual Galloway Captiva Tri. The triathlon will be held September 14, 2014 on the grounds of South Seas Resort in Captiva, FL. Last year, this was a sold-out event, attracting 900 athletes and 30 teams!
We are excited to be a part of this event, and to support the many local athletes who are taking on the challenge of completing a triathlon. What to expect at the event:
Captiva Tri participants will kick off with a 1/4-mile swim in the Gulf of Mexico, just offshore from the northern end of the resort. Following that, athletes will then bike 10 miles along the paved island roads of Captiva, followed by a 3.1 mile run along the Gulf, Redfish Pass, and the South Seas golf course, on a combination hard-sand and paver course. Prior to the main triathlon event, a Kids Triathlon will also be held on September 13th. The kid’s event will include the following age groups and courses: Ages 6-8: 100 yard swim, 1.5 mile bike, 0.5 mile run Ages 9-10: 100 yard swim, 1.5 mile bike, 0.5 mile run Ages 11-13: 200 yard swim, 3 mile bike, 1 mile run For more information about the 4th Annual Galloway Captiva Tri, visit www.captivatri.org.
For more information about Sports Medicine Orthopedic services, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bynun, call (239) 337-2003.